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06.02.2019 | Original Contribution

German translation and psychometric properties of the modified Gait Efficacy Scale (mGES)

verfasst von: Dorothee Altmeier, Eleftheria Giannouli

Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie

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Perceived self-efficacy to complete a task affects function and behavior. The modified Gait Efficacy Scale (mGES) is a 10-item self-report questionnaire to assess confidence in walking under various circumstances.


The aim of this study was to adapt the mGES to a German version (mGES-D) and test its psychometric properties.

Material and methods

The final sample used for analysis consisted of 140 community-dwelling older adults with a mean age of 71 ± 6 years and 61% were female. Construct validity of the questionnaire was tested with Cronbach’s alpha. The test-retest reliability was calculated in a subsample of 31 after a 4–5 week period (33.4 ± 11 days). To test the validity three other mobility-related self-efficacy scales (Activities-Specific Balance Confidence, Falls Efficacy scale and the Stair Self-Efficacy questionnaire) as well as two performance-based measures (gait speed and the Four Square Step test) were used.


Both the internal consistency (T1 = 0.934, T2 = 0.958) as well as the test-retest reliability (0.932) were acceptable. Correlations between the mGES-D and the rest of the German mobility-related self-efficacy scales were above 0.758 and the performance-based mobility measures above 0.316.


The mGES-D is a reliable and valid measure of walking confidence among healthy, community-dwelling older adults. Further application and testing of the mGES-D in primary care and clinical studies are needed to consolidate the findings.
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German translation and psychometric properties of the modified Gait Efficacy Scale (mGES)
verfasst von
Dorothee Altmeier
Eleftheria Giannouli
Springer Medizin
Erschienen in
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie
Print ISSN: 0948-6704
Elektronische ISSN: 1435-1269