DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue 11 · Volume 46 · November 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27949

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Phillips, Mark C.; Mönkemüller, Klaus: Anesthesia for complex endoscopy: a new paradigm
Cotton, Peter B.; Coté, Gregory A.: ERCP (Ensuring Really Competent Practitioners)

Original article

Pimentel-Nunes, Pedro; Mourão, Francisco; Veloso, Nuno; Afonso, Luís Pedro; Jácome, Manuel; Moreira-Dias, Luís; Dinis-Ribeiro, Mário: Long-term follow-up after endoscopic resection of gastric superficial neoplastic lesions in Portugal
Soderlund, Claes; Linder, Stefan; Bergenzaun, Per E.; Grape, Tomas; Hakansson, Hans-Olof; Kilander, Anders; Lindell, Gert; Ljungman, Martin; Ohlin, Bo; Nielsen, Jorgen; Rudberg, Claes; Stotzer, Per-Ove; Svartholm, Erik; Toth, Ervin; Frozanpor, Farshad: Nitinol versus steel partially covered self-expandable metal stent for malignant distal biliary obstruction: a randomized trial
Ekkelenkamp, Vivian E.; Koch, Arjun D.; Rauws, Erik A. J.; Borsboom, Gerard J. J. M.; de Man, Robert A.; Kuipers, Ernst J.: Competence development in ERCP: the learning curve of novice trainees

Innovations and brief communications

Dray, Xavier; Repici, Alessandro; Gonzalez, Pedro; Fristrup, Claus; Lecleire, Stéphane; Kantsevoy, Sergey; Wengrower, Dov; Elbe, Peter; Camus, Marine; Carlino, Alessandra; Pérez-Roldán, Francisco; Adar, Tomer; Marteau, Philippe: Radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of gastric antral vascular ectasia
Dray, Xavier; Battaglia, Gorgio; Wengrower, Dov; Gonzalez, Pedro; Carlino, Alessandra; Camus, Marine; Adar, Tomer; Pérez-Roldán, Francisco; Marteau, Philippe; Repici, Alessandro: Radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of radiation proctitis
Kikuchi, Daisuke; Yamada, Akihiro; Iizuka, Toshiro; Nomura, Kosuke; Kuribayashi, Yasutaka; Kimura, Ryusuke; Yamashita, Satoshi; Furuhata, Tsukasa; Matsui, Akira; Mitani, Toshifumi; Ogawa, Osamu; Hoteya, Shu; Yahagi, Naohisa; Kaise, Mitsuru: A new device for simultaneous manipulation of an endoscope and a treatment device during procedures: an ex vivo animal study

Case series

Nam, Eon Jeong; Kim, Gun Woo; Kang, Jong Wan; Im, Churl Hyun; Jeon, Seong Woo; Cho, Chang-Min; Jeong, Ji Yun; Park, Ji Young; Jang, Yun Jin; Kang, Young Mo: Gastrointestinal bleeding in adult patients with Henoch–Schönlein purpura


van Hooft, Jeanin E.; van Halsema, Emo E.; Vanbiervliet, Geoffroy; Beets-Tan, Regina G. H.; DeWitt, John M.; Donnellan, Fergal; Dumonceau, Jean-Marc; Glynne-Jones, Robert G. T.; Hassan, Cesare; Jiménez-Perez, Javier; Meisner, Søren; Muthusamy, V. Raman; Parker, Michael C.; Regimbeau, Jean-Marc; Sabbagh, Charles; Sagar, Jayesh; Tanis, Pieter J.; Vandervoort, Jo; Webster, George J.; Manes, Gianpiero; Barthet, Marc A.; Repici, Alessandro: Self-expandable metal stents for obstructing colonic and extracolonic cancer: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Clinical Guideline

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