DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 04 · Volume 17 · May 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5684

Physiology and Biochemistry

Richardson, R. S.; Verstraete, D.; Johnson, S. C.; Luetkemeier, M. J.; Stray-Gundersen, J.: Evidence of a Secondary Hypervolemia in Trained Man Following Acute High Intensity Exercise
Bilé, A.; Le Gallais, D.; Mercier, B.; Martinez, P.; Ahmaidi, S.; Préfaut, Ch.: Anaerobic Exercise Components During the Force-Velocity Test in Sickle Cell Trait
Bonetti, A.; Tirelli, F.; Albertini, R.; Monica, C.; Monica, M.; Tredici, G.: Serum Cardiac Troponin T After Repeated Endurance Exercise Events
Whittlesey, M. J.; Maresh, C. M.; Armstrong, L. E.; Morocco, T. S.; Hannon, D. R.; Gabaree, C. L. V.; Hoffman, J. R.: Plasma Volume Responses to Consecutive Anaerobic Exercise Tests
Burstein, R.; Zeilig, G.; Royburt, M.; Epstein, Y.; Ohry, A.: Insulin Resistance in Paraplegics - Effect of One Bout of Acute Exercise
Mettauer, B.; Lampert, E.; Petitjean, P.; Bogui, P.; Epailly, E.; Schnedecker, B.; Geny, B.; Eisenmann, B.; Haberey, P.; Lonsdorfer, J.: Persistent Exercise Intolerance Following Cardiac Transplantation Despite Normal Oxygen Transport

Training and Testing



Natelson, B. H.; Zhou, X.; Ottenweller, J. E.; Bergen, M. T.; Sisto, S. A.; Drastal, S.; Tapp, W. N.; Gause, W. L.: Effect of Acute Exhausting Exercise on Cytokine Gene Expression in Men

Orthopedics and Clinical Science

Behavioural Science