An effective intervention can contribute to enhancing social integration while reducing perceived stress in children



Palabras clave:

relaciones sociales, altruismo, estrés percibido, comportamiento prosocial, empatía


Introduction.  This investigation evaluates whether an intervention involving mindfulness-based practices, socio-affective activities, and socio-cognitive instances can foster prosocial attitudes and positive social relationships, and reduce perceived stress in children.

 Method.  The study was conducted with 44 children (20 girls and 24 boys) aged between 6 and 8 (M= 7.25 years, SD= 0.43), and followed a quasi experimental wait list design with two measurement time points (pre and post intervention). We analyzed relative changes in social integration, universal altruism and perceived stress levels. 

 Results.  Our results revealed that children who participated in the intervention showed  an enhancement in social integration and universal altruism tests, and a decrease in the perceived stress indices. That is, children chose more peers as playmates and rejected fewer of them, while evidencing more prosocial attitudes.

 Discussion and Conclusion.  Our findings suggest that this kind of intervention can contribute to fostering social integration and prosociality while promoting children’s health and wellbeing from an early age. 


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